Important Design Considerations for Building Green Hydrogen Infrastructure

As the world progressively pivots toward sustainable energy, developing robust green hydrogen infrastructure is critical in transitioning to a low-carbon economy. For industry stakeholders, the challenge extends beyond producing fuel from renewable resources. Successful deployment requires a nuanced understanding of various design considerations to balance technological advancement with scalability and environmental stewardship.

Agrivoltaics: Doubling Up Solar Energy with Crop Production

Covering acres of crops with solar panels feels counterintuitive, but this could be what is best for growth. Experts and enthusiasts in controlled environment agriculture innovation or production must embrace digitization with solar. Discover the best crops for agrivoltaics to establish foundational stability and how the benefits will transform the industry.

How Roller Coaster Physics Pushes the Limits of Thrill Engineering

Roller coaster physics is crucial in crafting the exhilarating experiences that thrill-seekers crave at amusement parks. Understanding the principles of gravity, inertia and acceleration can push the limits of what’s possible, designing heart-pounding and safe rides.

How a Bladeless Wind Turbine Works

Modern sustainability technology is not in its final form, instigating as much exhilaration as anxiety. Renewable energy, like wind turbines, must bring more to the table than simple electricity; it must change mindsets about greener living, and what it means to switch to a corporate and individual lifestyle devoid of fossil fuels.

The Gross Science Explaining Why You Should Take Your Shoes off While Indoors

Think going barefoot indoors is for the posh? Think again — wearing your outdoor shoes in the house may expose you to harmful bacteria, chemicals and allergens.

Opportunities for biotech await in the Amazon rainforest

The Amazon rainforest is one of the most biologically diverse regions in the world. In addition to combating climate change, protecting Indigenous people and preserving areas of unparalleled natural beauty, rainforest conservation plays a crucial role in discovering new pharmaceuticals.

Crop Production Is An Art As Much As It Is a Science

While some aspects of farming have changed so much they’d be unrecognisable to our ancestors, others have remained largely the same since their inception. From the ancient practice of using waste as fertiliser to modern genetic engineering, here’s how agriculture has shaped our species.

A 'Digital Twin' of Earth Will Help Guide Our Future

What if there was a ‘replica’ of the Earth? The European Union (EU) began finalizing plans for a digital Earth ‘twin’ last fall, and now, scientists are working to build it. When complete, it will guide better policies related to the climate and any possible extreme events.

U.S. Space Force will use digital engineering to design satellites

The new U.S. Space Force has plans to experiment with the use of digital workflows and engineering to design satellites and equipment. Digital engineering — which involves collaborative work across cloud environments — would be a departure from conventional military workflows and could significantly impact how contractors and researchers work.

What Does the Life Cycle of a Star Look Like?

When you look up at the night sky, you see thousands of stars. Our own sun is a yellow dwarf star in the middle of its life cycle. How did they all get there? Here’s a closer look at the life cycle of a star, and how the size and mass of one of these stellar bodies affect its existence.